Thursday, February 5, 2009

Moist Chocolate Cake (Steamed)

Hmm i wonder if it tastes like TaiPan Bakery's Chocolate Sweet Tarts which I keep asking for as Chocolate Tarts as I can't remember it's real name just that it sits next to the egg tarts.

* 3 cups flour
* 2 teaspoons baking soda
* 1/2 teaspoon salt
* 6 tablespoons cocoa powder
* 2 cups water
* 2 cups sugar
* 1 tablespoon vanilla
* 2 tablespoons white vinegar
* 8 tablespoons (1/2 cup) oil
* a handful of semisweet chocolate chips


Preheat the oven to 350F or Steamed!
Sift the dry ingredients i.e. flour, baking soda, salt and cocoa powder in a medium bowl. If without the cocoa powder, I would just use a whisk to mix the ingredients. But cocoa powder tends to be lumpy and it is recommended to sift it for any recipe.
Whisk the sugar and wet ingredients, i.e water, vanilla, vinegar and oil in a large bowl until the sugar is dissolved.
Add the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients and mix well.
Pour the batter into a greased and floured or parchment lined 9 x 13″ pan.Sprinkle a handful of semi-sweet chocolate chips on the batter for garnishing. Bake for 35 to 40 minutes. The cake will be slightly moist when tested with a tooth pick.

This is a very simple recipe which pleases any chocolate cake lovers. Will you bake it for your family?

For those of you who do not have an oven or try to avoid the oven in the hot summer, I have a version of this cake which is steamed. Check out the Steamed Moist Chocolate Cake here.

If you like steamed cake recipes, check out the following:

* Steamed Banana Cake
* Steamed Mah Lai Ko
* Steamed Rice Cakes (Pak Thong Koh)
* Another Steamed Rice Cake
* Steamed Red Bean Rice Cake (Poot Jei Gou)
* Chinese Sponge Cake
* Nian Gao (Chinese New Year Cake)

Article printed from Chow Times:
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