Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Chinese Beef Vegetable Stew Soup

Serving: 12
Prep Time: 3 hours
Precooked time: 2-5 mins

"Law Sung Tong " aka mix veggy soup. This soup was my favorite as a kid when my mom made it and we'd all get drafted to help with the peeling, dicing and such then be rewarded with a very tasty stew at the end. This is one of the few dishes that I am very good at.

Chinese Beef Vegetable Stew Soup

3 tomatoes (cut in chunks)
1/2 bunch of celery (cut in chunks)
3-4 potatoes (cut in chunks)
3-4 carrots (cut in chunks)
1 whole ox tail
1/2 turkey leg
1/3 bunch of Cilantro (diced)
1 onion (cut in chunks)
12 cups of water
1 chicken boullion cube

Start the ox tail, turkey leg cooking in low heat for 1-1.5 hour you're making a soup base before we add the rest of the ingredients because we dont want all the veggies to disintegrate before the flavor from the meats are out. Then add the rest of the ingredients and continue cooking in low heat for 1-1.5 hours. Serve hot

*subsitutions: if no oxtail then any beef will do, and if no beef sub in 2 turkey legs, or 1/2 a chicken

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